The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Akmola region officials tried to illegally terminate an agreement with an entrepreneur

- Akmola Region
8677 просмотров

The experts of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Akmola region prevented the wrongful actions of officials of Korgalzhyn district, who were trying to terminate prematurely the service agreement with the businessman.

In February 2018, the Korgalzhyn district education department on its Internet resource published an announcement about the competition for catering services for students. By the end of the month, Yesnur IE applied for participation in the competition. According to the final protocol, the application of the entrepreneur was recognized as complying with the requirements of the tender documentation. And on March 1, the parties concluded an agreement on catering services in the schools of Korgalzhyno.

During the entire period of execution of the contract, the company performed its obligations in good faith. There were no comments to him from the state body, the schools signed acts of completed work.

However, in October 2018, the education department suddenly sent a notice of termination of the contract to the company, attaching a prescription from the internal state audit bodies. The reason for the prescription was the failure of the Department of Education to submit to the auditors the application of Yesnur IE to participate in the competition in the state language, as well as the filing of one application for all the lots of the competition.

During the trial of the case, the experts of the Regional Chamber revealed that the entrepreneur for each lot of the competition applied separately in both state and Russian languages. The documents were sent to the auditors.

Later, the education department confirmed the availability of documents, citing the negligence of an employee who had already been dismissed by that time.

 At present, the specialized inter-district economic court of the Akmola region has discontinued the proceedings.

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