The national chamber of entrepreneurs


How to support our producers?

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Domestic producers of building materials have met with representatives of the State expertise at the site of NCE RK

The meeting was held in the format of a conference call with connection of regions. The following issues were discussed: the proposal of RSE "State expertise" on support of domestic producers; building materials of domestic production in the digests on the estimated price and in the resource estimate and regulatory framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan; preparation of proposals to reduce the barriers for the supply of Kazakh building materials to the territory of the EAEU countries.

According to Deputy General Director of RSE "State expertise" Erik Edresov, "there are many questions about the legitimacy of our claims to a particular hardware of Kazakhstani producers".

"In this regard, we proposed to amend the legislation on architecture and urban planning, environmental code and the law on public health. Since we have a comprehensive independent expertise, which include environmental, sanitary and biological examination, we would like to make changes to these codes", - he said.

His colleague Timur Karagoyshin added that "it is necessary to shift from price lists". "If our producers have a new equipment, it is necessary to require technological flow charts for and to introduce regulatory framework for pricing. On the ground, we ask manufacturers to include it in current prices on time. If it is not done, it will be just mere words ", - he said.

Moderator of the meeting, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Committee of construction, production of construction materials and housing NCE RK Daniyar Izatullin stressed that NCE fully supports the idea of application of joint efforts with the state expertise. "This is done in the interests of domestic producers. On our part, we will be engaged in this process as well", - he said.

In turn, RSE "State expertise" is ready to provide NCE a list of domestic producers of building materials and equipment for generation of information on prices and specifications.

As it was reported by the representative of JSC "KazNIISA" Aigul Tleuberdin, there was created a classifier of construction products and price monitoring program. Registrators draw up price lists for building materials in regions and submit them to JSC "KazNIISA". Today the database includes about 3000 producers.

Director of the Center for the pricing of "KazNIISA" Baurzhan Zhanuzakov drew attention to the use of new building materials in projects. As he pointed out, provision of price-lists only doesn’t ensure that the products will be used by design organizations, because the designer does not see the product, the equipment in estimate-regulatory framework in this regard there was established a register of new technologies. Manufacturers, in addition to standardization, certification of products, must develop a process map. Currently JSC "KazNIISA" has developed 40 technological flow charts, 345 of the estimated norms.

The President of the Association of Construction Materials Maral Tompiev questioned the data on local content given by state expertise. "In 2014 the share of the local content in industrial facilities was 29.9%, and in 2015 - 72.1%. As an economist, I have serious doubts about this. There can be no growth. So it means, 72.1% does not take into account the local localization. Those who compiled this table, should quote localization of each building material, then the figure will be much lower", - he said.

Tompiev added that the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty and the Association compiled a list of manufacturers of building materials with more than 50% of localization. "It is those companies that produce building materials from raw materials to a final product in Kazakhstan, to such companies we should give preferenvce. And not to those who is engaged in assembly", - he stressed.

Manufacturer of stone-limestone from Mangistau region Madi Mendaliev noted that it is necessary to create a single database, where each producer could register his products with contact details. "Mangistau region for many years was based on the shell rock. Now the projects stipulate foam concrete, which is 4 times more expensive. In my opinion, this is absolutely not necessary, especially if we have the rock stones, which we produce and do not know how to sell it ", - said the businessman.

As it was noted by Daniyar Izatullin, the unified database of domestic manufacturers was already established. "This work is carried out for a long time. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Collection collects all data and mainly our Secretariat. We will send you the necessary forms, which need to be filled in, we will include you in our database, and we will continue to promote you. NCE also develops a media plan. At the website of NCE were launched demo video on presentation of manufacturers’ materials, and therefore we ask you to work more closely with NCE", - he said.

An agreement was reached with the JSC "KazNIISA” on holding meeting with local producers at the site of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau region.

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