The national chamber of entrepreneurs


CSE: new services will be introduced in the near future

- Kostanay Region
12589 просмотров

The Centers for servicing entrepreneurs will provide consultation on public-private partnership

This was announced by an employee of the department of non-financial support of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kostanai oblast. According to the head of the unit Robert Yusupov, there were introduced changes to a single program "Road map of business 2020", it is planned to introduce these services shortly.

"The changes were initiated by NCE RK "Atameken" on the basis of the analysis of the demand for the relevant services. As a result, there will be two new services - consultations on PPP and escort of business applications, and two other services will be excluded. These are consultations on management and services related to implementation and full support of the quality management system ", - said Robert Yusupov.

Since the beginning of the year in the centers for servicing entrepreneurs and business support centers of Kostanay were provided about seven thousand consultations to businessmen and people with entrepreneurial initiative. There were provided more than four hundred of free services: preparation of accounting and tax reports, legal services (preparation of contracts, statutes), IT-services (installation of licensed programs) and others.

As the analysis shows, the demand for free advice and services is growing among villagers. Elena Kuliyeva from the village of Maisky of Fedorovsk district – is one of the regular clients of BSC. This year, together with her husband she is planning to build a greenhouse next to her house to grow and to sell fresh vegetables throughout the year.

"For the first time we decided to take a loan under the state program and to do business. How to do it, under what conditions - we did not know. Here at the Chamber, and we received a consultation, as they say, from inside and out. They helped us to resolve land issues and to sign a lease contract. This year we will need to submit tax reports. Such kind of assistance is also provided by the Chamber and it is very important for us", - said the private entrepreneur Elena Kuliyeva.

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs acts as the operator of the program of non-financial support of business acts since 2014 within the fourth direction of the Single Program "Business Road Map-2020”. You can get free services at the Centre for Servicing Entrepreneurs of Kostanai at the addresse 116, Al-Farabi avenue, as well as at business support centers in the districts and single-industry towns under each branch of the Chamber.

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