The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Who will be the best in the capital?

- City of Astana
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Metropolitan entrepreneurs are preparing to take part in the annual regional competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan"

For the first time at the competition-exhibition will be featured anti-icing agent for the needs of airlines and airports, unique medical and electrical equipment made in Astana. The best companies, producing pumps, waste containers, jewelry, furniture, fast food and half-finished products will also fight for the title.

"Among the participants are both beginners and those who have already tried their hand in the competition. For example, "Kompaniya Tengiz +", which specializes in the manufacture of road signs, safety signs and metal construction, last year won the second place in the nomination "The best industrial goods". It has a good chance for victory this year and the opportunity to participate in the copetition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" at the national level. Today themetroplitan enterprise is one of the largest manufacturers of road signs in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Its products are used on roads throughout Kazakhstan. Each year, the "Company Tengiz +" supplies 30-40 million standard signs.

Among the new companies is LLP “Alab Industries”. It is unique, because it is the only manufacturer of de-icing solutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the needs of airports and airlines in Kazakhstan, public services, in particular, liquid reagent for the treatment of runways. The company was founded last year, but it has already proved to be the best. Its products are certified and accredited at international laboratories of the USA and Canada, which allowed it to enter the top 30 companies on a global level, which have the right to manufacture these products", - said the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana Ghani Tasmaganbetov.

The unique device for vibro-acoustic therapy of lungs VibroLUNG, which was developed by the metropolitan specialists of LLP "BARK Technology" will be also presented at the competition. The device belongs to a class of physical therapy equipment and is used to treat respiratory diseases. According to Gani Tasmaganbetov, the company supplies medical institutions with medical technological equipment and has successfully implemented a number of regional and national projects, including the program "100 schools 100 hospitals".

Among food manufacturers director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana noted LLP "Poleznyi produkt", which specializes in modern methods of processing of fruits and vegetables grown in Kazakhstan. In particular, the company manufactures apple chips, produced by infrared drying (no cooking), which allows to maintain all the useful and nutritious properties of apples. Domestic dessert can replace imported desserts with success.

"We are confident that with our joint efforts will be achieved the main goal of the competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" - improving the quality of manufactured goods by domestic enterprises, drawing public attention to the Kazakhstani goods and their popularization, business revitalization", - stated Ghani Tasmaganbetov.

Traditionally, the expert committee chooses the best domestic goods in three categories: "The Best industrial goods", "The best goods for the population", "The Best food product".

During the awarding ceremony the winners will be rewarded with diplomas.

The winners of the regional selection will be able to take part in the competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" at the national level, which will be held at the end of the year. Winning at this level provides an opportunity for participants to promote their products nationwide. Winners of the competition receive the right to use the competition logo for promotional purposes for four years.

All participants will be awarded with letters of merit.

"Competition-exhibition will be held on 31st of August from 9 to 13 pm in the lobby of the first floor "Kazmedia Center". We invite residents and visitors to attend the event and to support domestic producers", - urged the director of the Metropolitan Chamber of entrepreneurs Ghani Tasmaganbetov.

According to the Decree of the Head of State, NCE "Atameken" and its branches in the regions were appointed as the permanent organizers of the competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" from 1st of January 2015.

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