The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Did you register the right to property?

- Kostanay Region
10385 просмотров

Entrepreneurs, who did not register in time the right to acquire property, will face a fine of 20 MCI

However, not always the penalty is proportional to the number of objects that were not accounted for.

The representatives of the Department of Justice of the Kostanai region told about this to businessmen in the framework of the campaign "Justice consults". One of the most urgent issues was the question of registration of property rights. According to the head of profile unit of the Department Kadyrzhan Aymurzinov, since the beginning of the year 480 Kostanai residents were penalized for not registering on time the acquired objects. Among them are entrepreneurs. And if for individuals there is a penalty of 10 MCI, then for legal entities it is twice higher.

"By law, registration should be carried out since the beginning of the legal fact, and this fact is the time of the signing of the sale contract or a donation act. And if a citizen did not register right within six months, the person will be subject to administrative responsibility. But there is innovation. If a citizen did not register in time, for example, as many as five or ten objects, and later registered them at the same time, than no more three times the size of the fine is applied", - says the head of the department on registration of rights to immovable property of the Department of Justice of the Kostanay region Kadyrzhan Aymurzinov.

Officials of the Department responded to a number of other issues. For example, how to register the company, if the head is not a citizen of Kazakhstan. Experts explained that the order. First of all, it is necessary to get IIN at the State Revenue, to get an electronic key, and already using it to register a private limited company.

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Department of Justice are working within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation, signed in 2016. The document includes the holding of such events and joint consultations, as well as removal of administrative barriers to business.

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