The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The optimal solution of construction problems - the development of the Town Planning Code

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The time itself dictates to raise the issue of building regulation on a new codified level

According to NCE, the Unified Town Planning Code will replace a number of separate sectoral laws and ensure that the regulatory framework in compliance with the modern requirements.

Development of the Town Planning Code is to keep pace with reforms in the country in the areas of technical regulation of land relations.

Today, the current law "On architectural, urban planning and construction activities" can’t be recognized as the law of direct action. 70 by laws were adopted for its implementation. Issues related to the construction are regulated by 8 applicable laws.

The lion's share of complaints come in connection with the contradictions in the law, inconsistent of RLAs of the same level, there is no legal framework to regulate certain issues in the construction industry, as well as the presence of a plurality of reference and blanket norms.

Such a code already exists in Russia, and in general it works well as it comprehensively regulates urban development across the country. Kazakhstan also needs to use the positive experience of its neighbors, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and the practice of countries Estonia and Germany.

In September, speaking at the site of the Commission on Combating Corruption, Deputy Chairman of NCE Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted that the optimal solution of a huge number of business problems in the construction industry is the development of the Industry Code on architecture, urban planning and construction.

The positive results of repeated appeals to NCE against public bodies can be observed today. The Ministry of National Economy has officially announced that it has started a comparative legal analysis and monitoring of the existing regulations, the study of law enforcement and foreign experience. The results of this work the Ministry of Economy plans to put for broad discussion to relevant state bodies, associations, NCE and entities of the construction industry.

NCE offers to involve actively the scientific community this work, which has already expressed its position and fully supports the proposal of NCE "Atameken". Industry associations in the construction industry are also ready to make a constructive contribution to the development of the Town Planning Code.

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