The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Accountancy services are always required

- Kostanay Region
8737 просмотров

Services in the field of accounting and taxation remain the most popular among the regional entrepreneurs

This statistics was voiced by the head of the unit of non-financial support of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Robert Yusupov, speaking about some results of the work of the Centers for servicing entrepreneurs and Business Support Centers.

According to him, since the beginning of 2016 about 1742 businessman received 1847 free services. Meanwhile, almost 1000 - services are related to the accounting and tax accounting, 345 - legal services 172 - marketing services (business plans). Next, in descending order: services for information technology, government procurement, customs procedures, as well as the services of ISO management.

In addition, 11 700 oral consultations were rendered at business support centers to business and population with entrepreneurial initiative. 774 end-results were reached within the framework of support of projects: 398 customers started or expanded their business and 283 projects were funded under government programs, programs of financial institutions and development institutions.

"At present, work is underway on opening of a new, full-service business center in the city of Kostanay, which will operate on the principle of a single window. It will be located at the Regional Chamber, and, in addition to consultations and the full list of free services, there will be launched a business course within which will be held training in all areas of the program "Business Road Map 2020" and "Road Map of Employment 2020", - noted Robert Yusupov.

The implementation of the direction "Business School" was also discussed at the Chamber. More than a thousand people were trained from January to September this year.

"Within the second direction of the program "Employment Road Map - 2020",150 students attended courses on the basics of business and received certificates. As a result, 29 new projects worth 62.51 million tenge were already approved”, - said Yusupov.

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