The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Procedure on ICBC "Khorgos"

19026 просмотров

State Revenue Committee of MF RK has developed guidelines for cargo clearance at ICBC "Khorgos"

Department of Customs Administration of NCE RK "Atameken" recalls that in October 2016 the Government amended the Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 8th of June 2012 # 762 "About creation of the checkpoint at the Kazakh part of the International Centre for Cross-Border Cooperation "Khorgos", according to which the territory of the checkpoint at ICBC "Khorgos" is determined from the movement of goods across the customs border of the EAEU.

In this regard, the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed and approved the Guidelines for the customs operations for the officials of the State Revenue upon arrival of the goods at the Kazakhstan part of the International Border Cooperation Center "Khorgos" and the departure of goods from Kazakhstani part of ICBC "Khorgos".

Guidelines regulate the order of arrival of the goods and vehicles through a special transfer to the territory of the Kazakh part of ICBC "Khorgos", the order of movement of goods and vehicles from the territory of the Kazakh part of ICBC "Khorgos" to the rest of the EAEU, the order of departure of goods and means of transport from the territory of the Kazakh part of ICBC "Khorgos" on the part of the Chinese territory of ICBC "Khorgos", the procedure for the import of EAEU goods from the territory of the EAEU to the territory of the Kazakh part of ICBC "Khorgos".

Goods and vehicles come with a special transfer to the territory of the Kazakh part of (Customs Check point) ICBC "Khorgos" and moved to the territory of the checkpoint ICBC "Khorgos".

Passage of the vehicle, transporting the goods, is controlled by an electronic checkpoint system located at the entrance to CCP ICBC "Khorgos". Further products and vehicles are placed at CCP of the customs control zone of ICBC "Khorgos".

Since the automatic registration of vehicles entering during the passage of the electronic checkpoint starts parking time in the area of movement of goods across the customs border of the Customs Union. The waiting time should not exceed three hours.

Upon notification of the carrier or other person acting on his behalf, of the arrival of goods into the customs territory, the official person records the arrival of the goods and exchanges, within no more than 30 minutes after the arrival of the notification.

If, in accordance with the legislation of the EAEU and / or the Republic of Kazakhstan imported goods are subject to veterinary, phytosanitary and sanitary-quarantine control, state revenue authorities shall ensure overall coordination and the simultaneous joint control.

Radiation control is carried out by the state revenue committee, located at the CCP of ICBC "Khorgos", with the use of technical means of radiation control in automatic or manual mode.

Customs inspection (inspection) is carried out in the area of ​​customs control on the territory of CCP of ICBC "Khorgos" or in temporary storage.

The participants of foreign economic activity (FEA), and other interested parties must present shipping documents to CCP of ICBC "Khorgos", to register the arrival of goods at the Kazakh part of ICBC "Khorgos" and the departure of goods from Kazakhstan part of ICBC "Khorgos".

These measures are necessary for the purposes of tax and customs administration and accounting, as well as identification in case of re-exportation of EAEU goods to the rest of the EAEU territory, in accordance with the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EAEU.

However, as it noted by NCE, the Concept of the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On special economic zone - the International Centre for Cross-Border Cooperation "Khorgos "" and the Concept of the Draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and amendments to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the issues of the International border cooperation center "Khorgos" are currently discussed with state bodies.

The adoption of these laws will allow to solve the problems associated with the functioning of the Kazakhstani part of the Centre and the implementation within its area of ​​business and investment.

In case of problems with the implementation of the aforementioned methodical recommendations, the participants of foreign trade activities please contact the Department of Customs Administration of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", tel. 8 (7172) 919-341.

The cover letter of SRC of MF RK can be found here.

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