The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Business by the North American model

- Kostanay Region
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An expert from Canada in the field of light industry Alex Vega is visiting Arkalyk now

He arrived to a single-industry town at the invitation of local entrepreneur – the owner of clothes designing studio Galiya Yergalieva to share experiences on the expansion and modernization of production.

Such a need has arisen after a businesswoman decided to start mass production of school uniforms, as it is in great demand among the local population. It is impossible to meet the needs of the population without good practice and modern approaches to work, believes Galiya Faruazovna. Therefore, she immediately responded to the proposal of the Chamber of entrepreneurs to invite a foreign specialist within the component of the program "Roadmap for business-2020" - "Older seniors".

The businesswoman got satisfied with the candidacy of the North American expert. Alex Vega has 45 years of international experience of work at the textile factories, of which 25 years is continuous service in Canada. He has skills in the installation of sewing machines, cutting, sewing and finishing garments of different fabrics. And this does not include knowledge of international quality standards in the field of light industry.

"We started to work with him, and it was, roughly speaking, the brain burst, to get as much practice in such a short period of time. Of course, much is new for us. Alex jokes, they say, people have long been flying into space, and you are still working under the old program. My acquaintances from the capital arrived to see me, as they also got interested. The visit is certainly fruitful. We intend to expand production, because now we know in what direction to move, how to increase profitability", - says Galia Ergalieva.

Canadian guest, incidentally, managed to get acquainted with the work of Kostanay tailoring enterprises. In particular, he visited the factory "Bolshevik", considering its history and production. He also visited the private company "Evgenia", where sews concert costumes and wedding dresses on orders. The results impressed Alex, he had offered the hostess to establish joint production. The proposal to sign a contract and sincere advice to start learning English emphasized the seriousness of his intentions.

This is the second visit of North American experts to Kostanay region within the component "older seniors". In September-October 2016, at the invitation of LLP "Food combine" and LLP "Damdі", Canada Chef Brian Fordham visited the region. He shared recipes and trade secrets with employees of companies that have helped to improve the production process.

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