The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Cash registers: should be left with no change required!

- Kostanay Region
8857 просмотров

Kostanay enterprises can suffer multimillion damages due to update of cash machines with online data transfer function

Sellers of excisable products may have to purchase new devices or re-spend the money to upgrade the old ones, since January 1, 2017 the existing program of data transmission to the tax authorities stops.

It's about the software "Fiscal driver", which in its time was developed and implemented the operator of the system - JSC "Kazakhtelecom". In fact, it is identical to the cash machines, which themselves can capture and transmit data. As you know, since 2015, according to the changes in the Tax Code, enterprises engaged in wholesale and retail sales of gasoline, diesel fuel and alcoholic beverages were required to install such cash registers. However, the list of devices was not approved at the time, and cash registers were in short supply. The way out was found. Entrepreneurs installed on computers "fiscal driver" and connected to them cash registers, which they used before.

This option seemed to satisfy everyone. Data goes to the tax body, and the norms of the Tax Code are executed. But now, as the operator reports on the website, the program is closed, and therefore businessmen have to buy and to install new cash registers, or purchase special kits for upgrade. Appropriate notices come from the tax body.

The Chamber of entrepreneurs get complaints from managers of supermarkets and companies that sell fuel. They noted that they are not against transparency in monetary transactions, but the proposed changes will be a severe blow to the pocket in this difficult time.

"We have three large stores. Not one or two million tenge will have to be spent. Why do we need this change, if the system works? Even now, we have fiscal machines, which are superior by characteristics those that offer for us to buy. They are better, they have more time wear", - says the deputy director of the supermarket chain "Tamasha" Dmitry Strekalov.

Incidentally, the reason for which the operator stops the driver - is imperfection of the program, supposedly which occasionally fails. This was stated during the discussion of issues at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Businessmen do not exclude that specific interests are being lobbied. It is much easier to debug the operation of an existing program, even if it will cost money than to close it completely and to spend money on new equipment.

However, entrepreneurs still hope. Not long ago, the issue was discussed at the level of NCE "Atameken" with participation of all stakeholders.

"NCE suggested to extend the software work until entrepreneurs buy complete sets for upgrade, but do it not at once, but gradually, with minimal costs. We have already collected and sent to NCE information, who and how much time would require. Currently, this is the only alternative, and it is now being worked on. But we do not take this issue of the agenda, we keep it under control, we will ensure that business interests were taken into account as much as possible", - said the Head of the Unit for escort of projects of RCE of Kostanay region Tatiana Chernysh.


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