The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Positioning high quality of products

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The winners of competitions "Іsker", "Uly Dala Eli" and "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" were awarded in Astana

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintaev awarded winners of republican competition on social responsibility of business "Paryz" and awarded a special prize in the framework of the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa". “BI HOLDING” became the winner in the nomination "The Best Socially Responsible Enterprise"; LLP "Umirzak-Service" won in the nomination "The best enterprise in the field of occupational safety and health"; LLP "Sagiz Petroleum Company" and LLP "Tsin-Kaz" won in the nomination "The Best Collective Agreement", LLP "PetroKazakstan Oil Products" and LLP "Taskala Akku" – won in the nomination "For contribution to ecology".

This year, by the Decree of the Head of the state for the first time was awarded a special prize of the President "Altyn Sapa" in the nomination "The best enterprise producing food and / or agricultural products". The company "Ordabasy kus" has received this award from the hands of Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

The remaining award winners of "Altyn Sapa" were awarded by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan Askar Myrzakhmetov. So, the best among the major manufacturers" were declared to be: "Zhigermunayservis" (nominated as "The Best Production Enterprise"), "Bayan Sulu" ("The best enterprise producing goods for the population") and "Petroleum” ("The best enterprise, providing services"). So, the main activity of LLP “Petroleum” are freight forwarding services, transportation of oil products and liquefied petroleum gases, services of wagon operator, tank, containers, leasing of rolling stock. Geography covers the CIS countries, Central Asia, Afghanistan, China, the sea ports of Georgia, the Baltic countries.

Among medium sized businesses the winners became LLP “KARLSKRONA LS AB” (nomination "The Best Production Company"), a group of companies "Agrofirma TNK” ( "The best enterprise producing goods for the population") and LLP “IBS Group” ( "The Best enterprise, providing services"). The company “IBS Group” specializes in supplying all kinds of banking equipment and software for the processing of banknotes. The company pays great attention to staff development, tracking global trends of development in the industry, the definition of strategic partnership opportunities.

Small companies as “Inkar-I” (nomination "The Best Production Enterprise"), "KazSPO-N" ("The best enterprise producing goods for the population ") and "Kama-Oil" ("The Best enterprise, providing services") were also happy holders of the award "Altyn sapa". One of the winners, LLP "Kamal-Oil" operates since 2009. The company manages projects in the oil and gas sector of the economy, providing engineering services, has its own software development, using modern technology. It successfully competes with foreign services suppliers in Kazakhstan.

In the competition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" in the nomination "The best industrial goods" were awarded: a diploma of I degree - JSC "Zhambylgips" (Zhambyl region), winner of II degree - LLP "Capital insulating glass company" (Astana), winner of III degree - "Almaty paints" (Almaty region).

"The best goods for the population" produce LLP "Nazar Textiles" from South Kazakhstan region - Diploma of I degree, LLP “DOSFARM” from Almaty - winner of II degree and LLP "Rumi-en" from Karaganda region - a diploma of III degree.

The winner of I degree in the nomination "The Best food" became - Balkhash bakery plant LLP "Pulse" (Karaganda region), the winner of II degree LLP “CAPITAL PROJECTS LTD” (Akmola region) and the winner of III degree LLP "East Milk" ( East Kazakhstan region).

Karaganda hosiery is considered very high quality for many years. In 2014, the company 'Rumi' N 'updated product range and started to produce a wide range different of cotton products with the addition of elastane, the company developed a variety of patterns and weaves on all products.

The Commissioner for Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov handed a special award of NCE RK "Atameken" "Іsker" to businesses participating in the competition for the President's Award "Altyn Sapa" and the Republican contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan", which have achieved success in their activities. The award winners became: LLP "SemAz" - mechanical engineering (EKR), LLP "Evraz Caspian Stal" - manufacture of steel bars (Kostanay region), LLP "Novo Aldzhansky Flour Mill" - flour "GRANUM", flour products (Aktobe region), LLP "Company Kaganat service "- catering services, Kulinaria (Almaty), TOO “ Zhamal-ai LTD” – sewing of shoes, overalls (Mangistau region), PI PA "Pavlodar College of management" (Pavlodar region), LLP "Oils and greases of Kazakhstan" - production of lubricating greases - litol-24 MSC (EKR), LLP "TarazKozhObuv" - sewing of shoes, leather production (Zhambyl region), LLP "KAZMYASOPRODUKT" - the production of sausage products (NKR), LLP "Marzhan Cheese" - production of rice (Kyzylorda region).

LLP "Company Kaғanat Service" has a network of canteens "Kaganat" and provides catering services in Almaty, Astana and Karaganda. The company also manufactures semi-finished products of own production: dumplings, cutlets, ravioli, lagman, etc. The products of Kazakhstani producers are used in manufacture.

Products of the company "KAZmyasoprodukt" are in great demand among the population due to the high quality. Today the company produces more than 100 kinds of finished and semi-finished sausage. Production capacity is 6 tons of sausages and 200 kg of semi-finished products per day. The main market is the North-Kazakhstan region, Astana city and the border regions of Russia.

Today were also awarded the first winners of the competition for the right to use the umbrella brand "Uly Dala Eli". Three domestic companies, promoting a brand of Kazakhstan at the international level, have received the right to use the umbrella brand for the purpose of its promotion in the countries of near and far abroad: JSC "Kentau Transformer Plant", LLP "Kaynar-JSCB", "Rakhat". Awards were presented by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

The umbrella brand "Uly Dala Eli" will be awarded annually to the best domestic companies, representatives of large, medium and small businesses as the best exporters of the country. Thus, under the common brand "Uly Dala Eli" will be merged the best Kazakhstani products and services, and the emblem will be the "hallmark" of the country, raising awareness and image of Kazakhstan in the international arena and positioning high-quality of products of the "Country of the Great Steppe".


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