The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Collectors are obliged to register with the National Bank

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Mazhilis approved the draft law that would tighten the rules for the collection companies

During the day - not more than one personal contact of a debtor with a collector, only three telephone calls during the day, the ban on contacts during the holidays, to record conversation with unscrupulous borrowers on audio - and video devices, to store all the files for six months. These and other provisions are provided in the draft law "on collection activity", approved at the plenary session of the Mazhilis of the Parliament.

The draft law provides for amendments to the 5 codes and 7 laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For example, under the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offences stipulates the legal responsibility for the implementation of the collection activity by a collection agency without registration, illegal collection and disclosure of secrets protected by law, violation of the rights of debtors and commitment of fraud.

"Fundamentally important is introduction of mandatory registration of collectors and the subsequent supervision by the National Bank. Accordingly, the National Bank will cover complaints of borrowers on the wrongful acts of the debtors. To this end, the National Bank has the necessary financial and human resources to respond quickly to appeals of officials ", - assured the deputies the Chairman of the National Bank Daniyar Akishev, who presented the draft law to Mazhilismen. In addition, the draft law sets clearer requirements for the collection companies. Thus, it is proposed to introduce a ban on the presence among the founders of the collection agency of people, who do not to disclose information about themselves and their beneficial owners, as well as those not having an impeccable business reputation. As for the debtors, they are ordered "not to silent", but to make a contact with the collectors on their first call.

At the same time, Daniyar Akishev does not share the concern that the legislative revision of the conditions will result in the monopolization of collection activity.

"The draft law does not contain very stringent conditions for entry into this market in terms of financial stability. For us, first of all, it is important that the collector companies employ people with an impeccable reputation, so that they are not monitored by law enforcement officers and have the necessary skills and education", - said the head of the National Bank. According to him, "now there is no accountability and information about who is engaged in it, as this activity is not regulated by anyone".

According to the National Bank, the debts from unscrupulous borrowers are collected by 60 companies on the basis of agreements, who are working now with 928,000 debtors of banks. Curiously, Daniyar Akishev considers the likelihood of further growth of new insolvent debtors of banks. In this case, the potential scale of the problems die to not complete regulation of relationships on debt recovery in the conditions of a debt load of the population will only increase", - he explained.

The second reading of the draft law will take place in the new 2017. Deputies will discuss each article of the norm. In total mazhilismen made 300 amendments to the draft under discussion of the working group.

Zhannar Serdalina


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