The national chamber of entrepreneurs


We helped - with what we could!

- Kostanay Region
7625 просмотров

Nearly one billion savings and dozens of solved problems

The Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs summed up work for 2016 within the line of the protection of the rights and interests of business.

According to experts of the legal department, 195 complaints were received from businessmen in the region by the condition on December 2016. These are complaints about the actions of tax and antitrust authorities, the impossibility of obtaining a land plot, public procurement issues. These are problems that occur more often.

"One of the most recent examples - help to a private company for the exclusion from the register of unfair suppliers during procurement. The company became "unreliable" not on its own fault, but by the fault of an employee of the village akimat. We were able to prove this fact in court. In general, half of the complaints received so far is solved positively", - says the head of the legal department of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Renat Davletpaev.

We managed to reach out for rural business due to an extensive network of branches of the Chamber. For example, after complaints managers of catering facilities in Zhitikara district, we could cancel the illegal demand a monopoly for the establishment of additional tariff payments. The issue was resolved with the support of prosecutor’s office.

"If you evaluate assistance in monetary terms, over the past year, we have helped to save business a little more than nine million tenge. This is the total amount of the canceled fines, extra charges, property losses", - said Davletpaev.

Also, according to him, there are problems that can’t be solved without changes to laws and regulations. They are not removed from the agenda, and shall be entered in a special register of the National Chamber, which is available on the official website. It allows you to keep track on what stage is the study of a particular issue. The register includes eighteen systemic problems of Kostanay region.

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