The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Business will get a deferral on payment of customs duties and taxes

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But this benefit will have a short-term action

The Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan is ready to provide advantages to bona fide declarants upon receipt of goods from abroad. "We are ready to provide a delay in the payment of customs duties and taxes on imported goods. If a declarant for various reasons can’t do immediately or in full to pay the due amounts of duties and taxes, it shall be entitled to take advantage of a grace period of 1 month, and goods are released without the payment of fees", - said the Minister of Finance Bakhyt Sultanov during the governmental hour in Mazhilis of Parliament.

The minister noted that "interest is accrued on customs duties and taxes". In certain cases, the "grace period is 6 months without interest".

In addition, the Ministry  of Finance intends to modernize the "old and inefficient customs checkpoints on the border".

The Minister said that to this end, the construction of 2 new automobile checkpoints "Nur Zholy" and "Kalzhat" on the Kazakh-Chinese border continues on the principles of PPP. In addition, 23 checkpoints will be retrofitted - by through the intergovernmental loan.

The Minister of Finance assured that on the upgraded road checkpoints will open trade and modern logistics centers.

"This will enable the release the goods at the border. Thus, in the absence of identified risk by the risk management system, the release of goods will be made at the border within 29 minutes", - announced Bakhyt Sultanov.

Commenting on this innovation, the Minister of Finance said "the time is not a forward-looking indicator, it is designed practically". In addition, new customs zone will be opened, there will be four of them - in the south, north, east, and west of Kazakhstan - by analogy with Astana, where a new transport and logistics center was opened. In Astana, the participants of foreign economic activity get a range of logistics services, including storage and sorting of goods

New custom objects will open on PPP principles, together with the national company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" and "no expenses from the budget are expected".

The Ministry of Finance also prepares for transfer 7 Customs services to the State Corporation "Government for Citizens": "Authorized Economic Operator status assignment", "Inclusion in the register of customs representatives", "Inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers," "The inclusion of owners of temporary storage warehouses in the registry", "Inclusion in the Register the owners of customs warehouses ", "Inclusion in the Register of owners of free warehouses"," Inclusion in the Register of owners of duty free shops".

It is planned that these services will be available in CSP in the second half, after receiving approval from the Interdepartmental Commission.

Zhannar Serdalina


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