The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Endless marathon for state services

- Kostanay Region
7761 просмотров

Businessmen asked to implement the issuance of phyto-sanitary and veterinary certificates on the principle of "one window"

Such a measure, according to them, will reduce the time for obtaining public services and, as a result, the financial costs for the business.

The question with the participation of interested state bodies, was discussed at a working meeting in the walls of the Chamber of entrepreneurs. The reason for the dialogue was the intention to organize the issuance of certificates for export of regulated products through the Center of services (CS), which has recently opened in the building of Kostanay railway station.

Presenting the project, deputy head of Kostanay branch of JSC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" Yuriy Yurevich noted that at the first stage the specialist, who will only accept applications from entrepreneurs for certificates, will be placed at the Center of Services. Subsequently all providers of services will be working there, including representatives of phyto-sanitary and veterinary services, which will reduce the receipt of the documents.

However, in the course of the discussion it became clear that in order to reach the ultimate goal of the project, it is necessary to eliminate a number of inconsistencies. In particular, as it was stated by a representative of the territorial veterinary inspection and supervision, currently, the agency does not have enough staff to transfer individual inspectors to the CS. And considering the total amount of work, at least six of them will be required. A similar problem was named the inspection of plant quarantine and phyto-sanitary control of pests. In addition, the service provider will need additional vehicles for traveling to businesses and a separate VPN-channel access to the portal of state bodies. This will require not only financial, but also the changes in the regulations of relevant ministries.

Meanwhile, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kostanay region believe that without a comprehensive solution of voiced concerns and a detailed examination of all business processes, issuance of certificates through the Centre of services seems inappropriate.

"Currently, applications are accepted either through the electronic portal or through SCP, although previously there were accepted directly. But with the appearance of "extra body" in this chain, by contrast, entrepreneurs began to spend more time obtaining certificates. A similar situation could happen in case of CS, because ultimately all the same services will be provided remotely by territorial affiliation. For the full implementation of the principle of "one window", we should place individual specialists and specific government agencies in one place", - said the director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Murat Abenov.

Representatives of the firms-exporters cited the example of the specifics of work in the districts and single-industry towns of the region. Government agencies are located either in the same building, or relatively close to each other. Therefore, they wanted to see a similar principle in Kostanay, and ideally - a separate building, where it will be possible to receive services without unnecessary movements.

Present at the meeting Deputy Akim of Kostanay region Sergey Karplyuk, in turn, noted that the executive authority, together with the Chamber of entrepreneurs is ready to consider all proposals of business in order to further improve the conditions for its operation.


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