The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"ECO", "BIO", "Organic" - needed clarification!

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Questions of import and sale of organic products in Kazakhstan will be discussed in the near future at NCE with participation of the Committee on Consumer Protection

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" received a letter from the Committee on Consumer Protection of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a request to inform business entities, engaged in the import and sale of products that have labels "ECO", "BIO", "Organic" and other indicators about it being of organic or environmentally friendly origin, of the need of a certificate of inspection by the authorized body of the exporting country, certifying that the batch, specified in the certificate, has been issued within the system of production, preparation, marketing and inspection in accordance with the guidelines for the production, processing, labeling and marketing of organic food products” (GL 32-1999, REV. 1-2001).

This issue has also being actively discussed in the media and social networks after being placed on the website of the Committee on Consumer Protection of information on the strengthening of inspections of imported food products on the legality of the labeling.

Given the creation of an "information vacuum" and many questions, "Atameken" has sent a corresponding request to the Committee with the request within the period until 20th of January of the current year to clarify the legal basis of the planned monitoring and compliance with which documents it will require, including the effect on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Guidelines for the production, processing, labeling and marketing of organic food products” (GL 32-1999, REV. 1-2001).

The letter of the Committee on Cosumer Protection also reports that the production of domestic manufacturers of organic products must be treated in accordance with the rules of production and turnover of organic products, approved by the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 23rd of May 2016 # 238, and the certificate of conformity has to be received at the accredited bodies on conformity assessment in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of technical regulation.

Given the lack of adopted national organic food standards, including control methods, accredited in the National Accreditation System of certification bodies on inspection of organic products, certified audit experts for organic production, approved national label of conformity of organic products, the procedures foe recognition of conformity certificate of the Republic of Kazakhstan inspection certificates for organic products in the main importing countries, the order of handling the organic products of domestic manufacturers remains unclear. In this regard the appropriate request was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as the authorized body responsible for implementation of state policy in the sphere of production and turnover of organic products and the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry for Investment and Development, as an agency that coordinates work on development standards for organic products and their certification, accreditation of certification bodies and inspection, certification expert auditors.

As NCE believes it is necessary to accelerate the adoption of measures for the formation of the national system for turnover of high-grade organic products, so that domestic producers sell their "organic" advantage at the domestic market, and, very importantly, we were able to increase the export potential of this "valuable" products.

Today was held a working meeting of representatives of NCE and CCP on this issue, by the results of which it was decided to organize in the near future meeting at NCE with the representatives of CCP, MA, CTRM and the business community (the place and time will be announced.

It is also planned to conduct a broad information campaign, as many importers before the appearance of this notice were not informed about the control of the labeling of these symbols and signs that threatens substantial costs.

Work of NCE in this direction will be continued by all the questions you can contact by phone: +7 (7172) 919-330.

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