The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of redistribution of powers between branches of government

11468 просмотров

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

I appeal to you on a fundamental issue for our country.

This is redistribution of powers between branches of government.

A special working group has been created by my decree. They worked well.

I was presented a report on the work of the group.

The forthcoming reform is based on the logic of our development and the logic of modern development in general.

The basic essence – the President gives some of its powers to the Parliament and the Government.

Strong presidential vertical was necessary to us in the course of overcoming the enormous difficulties of formation of the state.

It has justified itself. All our achievements have been realized precisely under this system.

This reform is aimed at improving the efficiency of the control system.

We built a new state, a new economy, a new society.

The correctness of the development path, which was structured by us, was confirmed by history. Celebrating the 25th anniversary of our independence, we talked about our achievements, including the work of the authorities, the presidential system.

But the world is changing in front of our eyes.

The speed and complexity of social processes is growing in Kazakhstan.

Today we have to think about how to respond to global and regional challenges that will inevitably become upcoming history for us.

The essence of the proposed reform is a serious redistribution of power, democratization of the political system as a whole.

The strategic functions, the role of supreme arbiter in the relations between the branches of government will become the priorities under the new conditions for the President.

The Head of State will also focus on foreign policy, national security and the country's defense.

The role of the Government and the Parliament will get stronger.

This work will be conducted in two key areas.

Firstly, it is necessary to transfer a significant part of the established by law authorities of the President on regulation of social and economic processes to the Government and other executive bodies.

The Government, ministries and akimats should be fully responsible for this area.

Delegation of authority can be achieved through changes in the relevant laws. About 40 authorities can be transferred to the Government or the Parliament.

The Government will present these amendments in a priority order to the Parliament for adoption before the end of the current session.

Second, the more difficult task – is to balance the relationship between the branches of government at the constitutional level.

It is important to strengthen the role of Parliament in the formation of the Government, to enhance the responsibility of the Cabinet before the deputies.

The winning party in the parliamentary elections will have a decisive influence on the formation of the Government.

On this basis, it will be logical, if the government will abdicate authority to the newly elected Mazhilis, not the President, as it was before.

It is necessary to simplify the procedure for expression of distrust to members of the Government for the Chambers of Parliament.

This will strengthen the control of the legislative power over the executive.

It is advisable to convey to the Government the approval of state programs, for which it will bear full responsibility.

Government can be transferred the right to form and to abolish the central executive bodies, which are not included in its composition.

The President may waive the right to cancel or suspend the acts of the Government and the Prime Minister.

All this will increase the responsibility of the executive government bodies and their managers, providing them with the relevant powers.

Rules on the possibility of adopting the presidential decrees, having the force of law, are abolished.

It is proposed to strengthen the role of Parliament in relation to the local authorities.

In addition, it is necessary to study the issue of improving the functioning of the Constitutional Council, the judiciary system and the prosecutor's office.

At the same time, we need unconditional assurances of immutability of our constitutional system.

The Working Group will continue to work, they need to examine thoroughly all of these issues and to prepare a package of proposals for further public comment.

The proposed program will help to solve three problems.

Firstly, it is to create a stability of the political system for years to come.

Secondly, the increased role of the Government and the Parliament will provide a more effective mechanism of response to modern challenges.

Yes, it is a more complex control system, but also the society has become more complex.

I am deliberately going to delegate a large part of the powers of the President.

I do it with a single purpose - to build a more efficient, sustainable, modern system of governance.

Thirdly, there is no universal model of government in the world. All are in search of it.

We have never been engaged in copying foreign models of governance, finding its own, often unique solutions, although there are areas that we follow in the framework of international experience.

Our proposed reform is based primarily on our own experience and the needs of Kazakhstan.

The reform program - is our answer to the question in what direction will Kazakhstan move.

The answer is clear and consistent - in the direction of democratic development.

Given the importance of the proposed measures, I decided to submit for public discussion the draft of the constitutional reforms, which will be published.

The relevant decree was issued.

All this conforms to the future development of the country and complies with the five institutional reforms.

The fifth point "Open Government" just assumed a serious redistribution of powers. To ensure that all branches of government work effectively and responsibly, it is important to create between them appropriate counterweights and balances.

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