The national chamber of entrepreneurs


You are welcome, seniors

- Kostanay Region
8461 просмотров

Kostanay businessmen have the opportunity once again to invite foreign experts to visit for exchange of experience

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs announces submission of applications for participation in the component "senior professionals" within the frames of the single program "Roadmap  of Business 2020”.

The component does not need a special presentation. Any enterprise engaged in the priority sectors of the economy, may be invited from abroad. For two weeks, he will help to introduce new technologies and methods of production management. He will describe and show how a similar business works abroad. If there are obvious errors, he will help to eliminate them.

As a rule, foreign specialists - are retired experts with an impressive experience and great knowledge. The Kazakh state pays for their service. Business as inviting party, provide only an interpreter, per diem, and meals and travel expenses.

In 2016, two companies and one individual entrepreneur from Kostanay region took part in the project. Specialist from Canada Brian Fordham invited to LLP "Food combinat" (Karabalyk District) and LLP "Damdі" (Zhitikara district), where they shared culinary secrets and new recipes, helping to improve the service of catering establishments. The owner of cloth designing studio of Arkalyk Galiya Ergalieva used the help of Canadian expert in the field of light industry Alex Vega, who helped in expanding the range of products.

"As a result of these missions, employers were very pleased. They have expanded the range of products, begun to produce more than twenty kinds of confectionery products and are ready to open new sales points. You must apply to take part in the project, and already after consultation foreign experts are determined by the Ministry of National Economy. This year, most likely, we will also work with Canada. Applications from potential participants were accept at the Center for servicing entrepreneurs and at business support centers in districts and single-industry towns", - said the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kostanay region Aigul Esentemir.


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