The national chamber of entrepreneurs


What is good about ATA Carnet?

15806 просмотров

2-3 of March this year the Training Center of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan and the OSCE Office in Astana will hold a workshop on the practical application of the ATA carnet procedure
The aim of the seminar is to examine the ATA Carnet procedure, explaining the procedure for completing customs documents, its practical application in the import / export of goods.

it is expected that representatives of customs services of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, Chambers of Commerce and local branches of State Revenues authorities, as well as the business community of the Republic of Kazakhstan will participate in the event.
The workshop will be held from 2nd to 3rd of March 2017 at the address - Astana, st. Beibitshilik 10, auditorium hall of SRC of MF RK.
We invite all interested parties to participate.

If you are interested, please send an application prior to 15th of February of the current year by the following email address:, according to the established form. (Appendix 2)
For information you can call: 8 (7172) 279055 (ext.211).

Overview of the ATA carnet procedure

The ATA Carnet is an international standard customs document recognized as customs declaraion, allowing duty-free import, as well as to identify the temporarily imported goods, and include acting financial guarantee in the international handling to pay the import customs duties, taxes and fees .

To ensure maximum simplification of the procedure of temporary importation and the free movement of goods with a minimum delay, and to ensure the safety of the customs procedure, ATA Carnet contains five main elements - the basic principles on which the whole system is based:
- Eliminating the need for filling in of national customs documents in the country of temporary import;
- Products must be accompanied by ATA carnet accepted for registration in the country of departure and serving as a control document in the countries of departure, destination and transit;

- Payment of customs duties and taxes in respect of which there is a risk of non-payment should be provided with international warranty;
- The establishment of an international guarantee network of national guaranteeing organizations (chambers of commerce) and controlled by the World Federation of Chambers.

The principle of freedom of choice of international (ATA carnet) or national (customs declaration for temporary import) regime of temporary admission for trading participants.

All parties involved benefit from the practical benefits provided by the ATA system.

Replacing a national customs declaration required by Customs for the temporary importation, ATA Carnet eliminates the need for filling in a declaration every time you pass the customs border. This reduces the time and financial costs for registration of customs declaration both for the holders of the ATA Carnet and the customs authorities. No less important advantage for the participants of foreign economic activity is that the validity of the ATA carnet shall be one year from the date of issuance. During this period, the ATA carnet holder can repeatedly take out overseas goods covered by the ATA Carnet, in one or more countries.

According to the ATA carnet procedure the following types of goods can be moved:

  • goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events;
  • professional equipment;
  • containers, pallets, packing, samples;
  • goods imported in connection with the production process;
  • goods imported for educational, scientific or cultural purposes;
  • Personal belongings of tourists and goods imported for sports training purposes;
  • etc. etc.


Appendix 2

Application for participation in the seminar

Full name



Contact details (е-mail; tel, mobile number)









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