The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Microfinance Organization "Atameken-Kostanay": issued 89 loans in the amount of 316,6 billion KZT

- Kostanay Region
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The first taxi park appeared in Arkalyk

The entrepreneur opened it for a loan from LLP "Microfinance Organization "Atameken-Kostanay”.

To purchase vehicles and specialized equipment, Sabitbek Dzhanabayev took a loan in the amount of 14.8 million KZT. Before that, he already had his car wash, service station and a cafe. The new taxi has become not just the embodiment of an old dream, but also an attempt to bring the services of passenger traffic in a mono-city to a new level.

"Basically we have private taxis working in Arkalyk, which work through dispatchers. The drivers are hired by the same individual entrepreneurs. My project is a full-fledged taxi that meets all the requirements, with its own fleet and equipment, where the driver undergoes a medical examination before the ride, and a car undergoes computer diagnostics”, - said Sabitbek Dzhanabaev.

Seven purchased cars, the businessman designed in a single style, with identification checkers on the sides. Cars have almost no mileage. The name of the taxi was made from the initials of his children and grandchildren - Rizat. He hopes thatit will bring the corresponding prosperity to the project. In the future, the entrepreneur plans to increase the park to twenty cars.

"I know that banks refuse loans when they find out that you are from the Torgay district. They try not to lend for one simple reason - a lot of irrecoverable money. MFO, in this sense, is of great help to entrepreneurs. My application was reviewed and approved fairly quickly. If everything goes well, I will pay off the loan and move forward, expand", says Sabitbek Dzhanabaev.

 Last year, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken, the Eurasian Group and the Akimat of Kostanai region signed a memorandum on the establishment of LLP "Atameken-Kostanay" Microfinance Organization in the region. The MFO has a joint charter capital (business and akimat) and is interesting in that, unlike banks, it issues loans on preferential terms, with minimal requirements for collateral security. Since its creation Kostanay residents took 89 loans for the amount of 316.6 million KZT.


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