The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Atameken" discusses whether self-regulation in the examination of construction projects should be applied or not

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"Atameken" discusses whether self-regulation in the examination of construction projects should be applied or not

The market must choose which way to move on

Today, on 3rd of May 2017 was held a broad discussion of the introduction of the Institute of self-regulation for conduction of a complex non-departmental expertise of construction projects at the site of NCE RK "Atameken".

Representatives of the professional community, certified experts at the accredited organizations gathered at NCE RK "Atameken" on a single site. The meeting was initiated by the National Chamber at the request of entrepreneurs to discuss all the issues that arose.

"The creation of self-regulation in the examination of construction projects is the main requirement of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Self-Regulation". Atameken, as an immediate participant, provided a platform for discussing this issue by the business community itself", the opening statement was made by Eldos Ramazanov, Member of the Management Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

Deputy Chairman of the Board briefly reported on the work carried out today on this issue, noting that the results of all work will be submitted to the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Entrepreneurship under the chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin, where the National Council should express the consolidated business position.

Aydin Turezhanov, a representative of the Department for Legislation and Development of Self-Regulation of NCE RK "Atameken", delivered a report on self-regulation. Deputy Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development of the Ministry of Energy of RK Aslanbek Dzhakupov told in detail on the order of carrying out the regulatory impact analysis.

Aslanbek Dzhakupov explained that only expert organizations will make a decision to create a SRO. The Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is ready to talk with each representative, to identify together potential risks and costs, both from the creation of a single SRO, and from their multiplicity. However, all the positive and negative sides should be sent by letter with justifications.

An example of a compromise decision was the discussion of the creation of SROs in valuation activities.

"The options proposed by the Committee on construction affairs of MID RK on the expertise of construction are not exhaustive, NCE and the organizations themselves, in particular, can come with alternative proposals", - said Aslanbek Dzhakupov.

Vice-president of ULE "National Association of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Serik Rustambekov during the speech expressed the opinion that the principles of competition in creating a single SRO are not violated.

Expert organizations actively discussed the agenda, all the speakers were heard.

It should be noted that the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs created a free platform for dialogue and exchange of views. Certain issues were also affected by the activities of the Chamber of Expert Organizations, which were answered by the leadership of the non-profit organization by the Chairman of the Presidium, Mikhail Kosachev, and the Chairman of the Board, Birlik Erezhepov.

Summing up, Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov added that as a result of today's discussion, NCE recommends the authorized bodies to take into account in their further work the opinions of all the parties that were voiced at this event, adding that "Atameken" should approach the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a consolidated business position.

The Vice-Chairman also noted that the two meetings held at the site of the Committee on construction affairs MID RK are not sufficient to determine the opinion of the business community. Eldos Ramazanov drew attention to the fact that the market should choose which way to move on and voice its position at the level of authorized bodies.

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