The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Kostanay doctors want to increase business knowledge about HIV and AIDS

- Kostanay Region
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Awareness of entrepreneurs about these diseases directly affects the rating of Kazakhstan's competitiveness.

Specialists of the regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control note that our country is pursuing the task of entering the top thirty of the most developed countries. According to the World Economic Forum, the next report for 2016 of the Global Competitiveness Index (GIC) was published with the rating of national economies. The study involved 138 countries. Our country ranked 53rd by rating.

Few people know that the rating of the GIC consists of 114 indicators, one of which are "HIV prevalence" and "The impact of HIV / AIDS on business". This indicator is assessed on the basis of an independent survey of business executives, which is held annually in February-March. This means that the country's rating directly depends on the level of awareness of business leaders on HIV infection.

So, as a result of the last study, Kazakhstan fell from 80 to 81 in this ranking in this indicator. For example, Armenia ranked 38th among the CIS countries on the "HIV / AIDS Influence" index, Georgia 44th place, Moldova 53rd place, Russia 60th place, Azerbaijan 69th place. This is despite the fact that in the above countries the prevalence of HIV infection is higher than in Kazakhstan.

"During the survey executives of companies are asked only on one question:" In your opinion, how serious will the effects of the following diseases will have on your company in the next five years. "This refers to the impact on deaths, disability, medical and funeral expenses, productivity and absence at work, recruitment and training of staff, income, HIV / AIDS are listed among the diseases. The questionnaire offers options for answers on a seven-point scale. The only correct answer to this question - "no negative impact on business". This answer corresponds to the figure "7", - noted in the regional AIDS Prevention and Control Center.

In Kazakhstan, according to doctors, the incidence of HIV infection is low and does not affect the economy and business. People living with HIV have the same rights as those who are not infected, dismissal from work or refusal to hire, are not allowed. Accordingly, the business will not incur any costs in connection with HIV treatment, especially if you consider that the treatment itself is free and guaranteed by the state. The disease is not transmitted through the air, with handshakes and hugs, when using a shared toilet, elevator and other public places.

Specialists of Kostanay regional center for prevention and fight against AIDS note that they are ready to conduct free lectures and seminars in any business company. Doctors urge all business leaders to show social activity and contribute to improving the competitiveness rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Make it simple. They are asked to indicate only one correct answer in the questionnaire.

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