The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Kostanay flour will be exported to China

- Kostanay Region
5834 просмотров

The businessmen of the Celestial Empire agreed with the firm "KazTorgTrans" on the first deliveries

The opportunity to present locally produced goods and find new business partners was presented at the trade fair of domestic producers, which was held in Beijing in mid-July, within the framework of the One-Belt-One-Way program. The organizer of the business mission from the Kazakh side was the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

Totally, 13 domestic producers took part in the fair. From the Kostanay region - the flour-grinding enterprise "KazTorgTrans". According to the representatives of the company, the visit was fruitful and promising. At the fair, three Chinese enterprises became interested in the company's products. Peking businessmen were attracted to the quality of Kostanay flour and the company's pricing policy.

"We are developing and, accordingly, we are looking for new markets. Moving in the direction of China began with the support of Atameken in the spring. And, actually, at the fair they were able to fully present themselves. In China, only those companies that receive certain quotas can make flour, the rest are subject to a high tax. Therefore, they have an interest in importing our products. Here our interests converged, we signed memorandums of intent to export our products", - says Veronika Derevianko, manager of LLP KazTorgTrans.

In August, Chinese firms with whom Kostanay signed agreements will arrive in the region to discuss the details of cooperation. Thus, the first batch of Kostanay flour, this year will go to the Celestial Empire.

"Before that, we exported to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan. The arrangements with the Chinese side were the direct result of the consistent work of Atameken. NCE, in fact, opened for us this market and I think cooperation with Beijing will be long and fruitful", - says the manager of LLP KazTorgTrans Veronica Derevyanko.


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