The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Optimize expenses in the Ministries, then demand from the business - Timur Kulibayev

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The Prime Minister asked the head of NCE RK "Atameken" to prevent an unreasonable burden on entrepreneurs

Speaking at the extended meeting of the National Council Presidium, Timur Kulibayev noted that "Atameken" is working in the framework of "10 Steps to Develop Entrepreneurship". The proposed directions were developed in the framework of the order of the Head of the State to stimulate mass entrepreneurship and employment. A lot of work was done to improve the legislation.

"The problem of pseudo-entrepreneurship was solved, but we have 35 thousand conscientious counterparts who still have accrued fines and penalties. We suggested to the State Revenue Committee that these fines be lifted. The second question on customs. Together with the leaders of the EAEU countries, we agreed that we will translate 17 customs procedures into an electronic format. This will facilitate understanding for business", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Now Atameken implements the task of creating an e-Government for business, in which all public services will be optimized. Control functions are reduced by an average of 30%. But this, according to Kulibayev, is not the limit. There are still a lot of requirements that create problems for entrepreneurs.

"The whole art of government is to raise some payments. Thus, we now have more than 40 percent of the pressure, let's say, taking into account pension, social, CSHI (compulsory social health insurance - approx.). We are afraid now that the salaries will again go to the "gray" turnover. We now have 2.7 million self-employed, now there are also small businesses. It will be hard for them to pay such large social taxes, they will also think about going into the "gray" turnover. We can’t do this, and we must show that government agencies are honest with respect to business, that this is really our social costs, and we, the business, must support them. The state should conduct an honest dialogue with business", - said Timur Kulibayev.

The Chairman of the Presidium noted a small but positive dynamics in the implementation of public-private partnership mechanisms, mainly in pre-school institutions. Now "Atameken" proposes to develop standard documents taking into account all the points in the sphere of education, medicine, and municipal services.

"In this respect, we have worked with the Astana akimat to support business and we will pass this experience to all regions. Translate the solution of questions from the center to the regions. Companies such as KazAgro and others do not hear the business, which, in turn, is difficult, and sometimes impossible to get any help", - Timur Kulibayev said.

Kulibayev also noted the positive results of cooperation with the Prosecutor General's Office, the Civil Service Agency and the Supreme Court. According to the Chairman of the Presidium, the Supreme Court himself asks "Atameken" to unload them with the help of arbitration, the appeal commission, the institution of the business ombudsman, leaving only the most complicated cases. There are already results: if for the period 2015-2016, 7900 criminal cases were initiated, then for the period of 2017 only 1,400.

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