The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The Chamber of Appraisers will become a self-regulatory organization

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It will unite in its ranks at least three hundred specialists

The deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament approved the draft laws "On Valuation Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Valuation Activities".

These bills introduce self-regulation based on the mandatory membership of appraisers. It provides for the plurality of self-regulating organizations that unite individuals.

The draft law provides for the assignment of the Chamber of Appraisers to a self-regulatory organization that will unite at least three hundred appraisers (with a license at the first stage) and monitor the quality of its members. Replacement of the "license" of the state body with "certificate of qualification "appraiser" of the Chamber of Appraisers, including determination of the procedure for obtaining and depriving it. Transfer of regulation and control over the activities of appraisers to the Chambers of Appraisers - self-regulatory organizations.

The regulation of "access to the profession" through the Qualification Commission is also provided; regulation of the establishment of the management bodies of the Chamber of Appraisers, including specialized bodies on methodology, control and prosecution; determination of the choice by the Chamber of Appraisers of the way to ensure property liability in the performance of valuation activities; establishment of the competence of the authorized body in the field of appraisal activities for the implementation of state control over SROs. In addition, it is planned to introduce pre-judicial management of disputes on the reliability of evaluation reports through the examination of reports.

The adoption of bills is expected before the end of 2017, which will take effect six months after the day of their official publication.

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