The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Domestic manufacturers are invited to seminars on export issues

9986 просмотров

Within the framework of service support for exporters, the Chamber of Foreign Trade of Kazakhstan organizes training of specialists of Kazakhstan enterprises - operating and potential exporters in the form of full-time 5-days seminars (the program is attached).

Place and time of trainings:

01 - 05 October 2018 - Almaty (Almaty Management University, 277 Rozybakieva str., "AlmaU Conference Hall" conference hall, 6th floor, office No.А600);

08 - 12 October 2018 - Astana ("Izumrudnyi" business center, 8 Kunayev str., Atameken conference room (2nd floor)

Seminars are held every day from 09.00 to 18.30 with coffee breaks. The participation in trainings is free of charge. At the end of the training a certificate is issued.

All domestic producers, located in the region, can pass training. To participate in the training seminar it is necessary to file the application according to the attached form and send to the address:

For participants of the seminar in Astana - n.sukurov@atameken kz;

For participants of the seminar in Almaty -

Application FORM

Schedule of the seminar in ASTANA

Schedule of the seminar in Almaty

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