The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Kazakhstan citizens can verify existence of unpaid customs payments and refusal of entry into Russia online

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Customs authorities drew the attention of citizens planning to enter the Russian Federation on private vehicles.

The Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces on the implementation of verification measures on individuals at the Russian border who have arrears in customs payments, and the Russia authorities made a decision to ban their entry into the Russian Federation.

The Representative Office of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation to the Customs Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan informed on the specifics of control over a specific category of individuals entering the territory of the Russian Federation.

In particular, all the grounds for deciding on the undesirability of the stay of foreign citizens in the Russia are approved by Articles 26 and 27 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114 of the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Exiting and Entering the Russian Federation". Tax evasion of a foreign citizen or stateless person during his previous stay in the Russian Federation is the ground for the decision regarding such a person to ban entry to the Russian Federation.

These provisions of the law also apply to foreign citizens and stateless persons who have not complied with the obligation to pay customs duties and taxes within the time limits, which arose, in particular, due to the violation of the conditions for the temporary importation of vehicles for personal use into the EAEU customs territory.

As part of the work in this area, the Federal Customs Service of Russia has implemented an information service that provides an opportunity to check online if a person has arrears in customs payments and he is not allowed to entry to the Russian Federation.

The specified service is available at

In order to verify the existence of a debt or refusal of entry into the Russian Federation, it is necessary to enter the following data: surname, name, patronymic name, gender, citizenship, date of birth.



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