The national chamber of entrepreneurs


In the trap of the legislation

- Kostanay Region
5499 просмотров

Entrepreneur from Kostanay could not get the land for business expansion almost for three years

The paradox is that he was planning to expand, not for profit, but to avoid huge fines from the sanitary inspectors.
Sanitary epidemiological service came with an audit to the vegetable shop, which is owned by Turgan Eszhanov in 2015. According to its results, the businessman was told that, according to the requirements of SES, the store should be equipped with washing area. As the store itself is quite small, the businessman was obliged to install it at the backyard due to an appropriate prescription.

Since failure to comply threatened big fines, the businessman turned to the city administration for obtaining the land. But he was refused, citing the fact that by law no additional facilities can be located, as there are houses nearby.

Then Eszhanov hires a lawyer and filed a second application, at which he requests the ground not for construction, but for a temporary accommodation of the facility. However, again, his appeal was rejected on the same grounds. The entrepreneur goes to court, which is trying to challenge the decision of the officials, but no success. In the end, he comes for help to the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the region, while continuing to visir various instances.

"The businessman was caught between two fires. One government agency requires additional space, the second forbids it. Not by chance in 2014 the Chamber was insisting on the inclusion of our representative to the Land Commission that in such controversial circumstances can defend the interests of business. And at a recent meeting we were able to prove that the premises will not pose any inconvenience to others, there are legitimate reasons to give ground. As a result, the Commission issued a positive opinion", - says the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kostanay region Sergey Gutnik.
Now the entrepreneur has all the necessary documents for a land plot in hands. The other day Turgan Eszhanov visited experts of the Chamber with the words of sincere gratitude for their support.

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