The national chamber of entrepreneurs


An important day for the construction industry

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The Chamber of expert organizations was launched in the field of expertise in the construction industry

Today, after a year of legislative work and many discussions with the professional community, finally, there was created the legal framework and infrastructure for the transition of the part of the expert work of RSE "State expertise" to the competitive environment.

Announcing the news, the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva said: "By the order of the President, until 2020, 90% of the work in the field of expertise of pre-design, design and estimate documentation should be  transferred to the private environment. During 2015 preparatory work was carried out in this direction. Changes were introduced to the legislation in several steps. By the end of December, the regulatory framework has been fully formed. But in 2015 the market of private expertise was standstill. Entrepreneurs suffered losses. Not having passed the accreditation and without the creation of Chamber, and without becoming its member, expert organizations could not carry out its business activities. After the address of NCE to the leadership of the Ministry of National Economy and bringing the matter to the discussion with the First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan B.Sagintaeva, the issue finally moved from the dead point".

Representatives of the Committee for construction, housing and communal services of MNE RK and land management have confirmed that the process of accreditation of expert organizations from the beginning of the year intensified, and currently 19 certificates of accreditation were issued.

In order to start work the private expert organizations lacked the United Chamber of expert organizations in compliance with the law.

"The Chamber is created, it is registered in the judiciary bodies. The work will be conducted under the auspices of NCE RK. For now the working body of the Chamber will be the relevant secretariat of NCE RK. I think we will elect the Supervisory Board from among the largest associations in order to make this work public. We call on all accredited expert organizations, including the regions, to join the Chamber, so it can quickly began its activities", - said Y.Yakupbaeva.

The Deputy Chairman of NCE stressed that the advantage of creation of the Chamber under the auspices of NCE RK is the fact that NCE has a branch network in all 16 regions. Thus, the community's concern that the Chamber will not work on the whole territory of Kazakhstan, is unjustified. "We will be able to start work without increasing of the cost for the industry. NCE pursued a social purpose in this case: the Chamber was established, it got to " its feet" and experts started to work at full capacity ", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

 "According to the Law" On Architectural Activity ", the Chamber can be created by three expert organizations. That is, in case of an independent start the Chamber would not have material and technical base for the start of activities, so at their own initiative the industry's major business associations suggested to create the Chamber under the auspices of NCE. And at the Ministry of National Economy this suggestion was approved", - she said.

According to Yakupbaeva, the new organization will perform the following functions: representation, protection of rights and legal interests of its members in state bodies and international organizations; accreditation of expert organizations; maintaining of a register of accredited expert organizations; conduction of permanent training courses, analysis, synthesis, dissemination of positive experience of the experts, the development of the Code of Ethics and other experts.

During the transition period the chairman of the new Chamber will be temporarily the representative NCE. After a sufficient number of expert organizations will join the Chamber, the will be formed the management Board. And the law stipulates that at least three representatives on the Board should belong to the authorized body. The Chairman will be re-elected from among the professional players in the industry.

The Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Construction, Housing and Communal Services and Land Management Zhasulan Suyunchaliev congratulated NCE with such a significant event, and noted that the Chamber will have a lot of work in connection with a possible transfer of 90% of the volume of work of RSE “State expertise” to the competitive environment. The representative of the authorized body expressed willingness to make joint decisions, requiring adjustments to the current legislation.

The head of the Association of builders of Kazakhstan Aslan A. Tukiyev, in turn, stressed that the United Chamber - is, in fact, the first organization with a view to become a self-regulated after the enactment of the law on self-regulatory organizations. "This is a good beginning. Now you have the ability to regulate your own activities, to make it better. The Chamber has a lot challenges, we have certain problems. The Head of State clearly stated the objectives, we need to meet them. We, as builders, will contribute to this ", - he said.

The representative of the National Association of designers Serik Rustambekov, welcoming the establishment of the Chamber of expert organizations, noted that "there was a lot of debate on the functions and on other important issues, and we have always supported the idea of creation of the Chamber under the auspices of NCE".

"It is good, that under the auspices of NCE and with the help of professionals, we will be moving in the right direction. Now 2-3 floors are transferred to the market environment, 500 sq.m. – the rest remains in the monopoly of the state expertise. This should be changed ", - he said.

As it was noted by the president of the National Association for the construction industry of Kazakhstan Adelsh Ermukhanov, the Chamber should be focused on support of new design solutions, the quality of work. "There should be no mechanical division into private and state expertise. The Chamber should become the body, which certifies the level of qualification of experts, which has more than 1,000 people in Kazakhstan", - he said.

Potential members of the new organization shared their opinion. Altyngul Nauryzbayeva , representing LLP "Standard Plus", congratulated all those present with the creation of the Chamber, saying: "Of course, we need such an organization not only to protect our interests, but also for the regulatory, informational, methodological assistance. We work in the same industry and united by the common goal".

"The faster the Chamber begins it work, the better it is. It is very good, that will be an organization that is going to hold refresher courses. I have been working in this field for a long time, and I do not remember during this time that such courses were carried out ", - added the director of "EKS Kurilis Project" Evgeny Malkov.

Summing up the discussion, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Y.Yakupbaeva noted that "until complete transfer of the accreditation function to the United Chamber, it was agreed with the management of MNE on the inclusion of representatives of major business associations in the construction industry in the composition of the relevant commissions at the government bodies".

On 21st of January  2016 at the site of NCE RK was held a conference, at which the heads of major national and regional industry associations in the construction industry, representatives of market participants have proposed the creation of the Unified Chamber of expert organizations in the field of construction projects under the auspices of NCE RK.

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