The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Private expertise is willing to take more work on itself

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Transfer of volumes of work from RSE "State expertise" to private expert organizations is behind schedule

Questions of transfer of services of examination of construction projects from the monopoly RSE "State expertise" to the private sphere were discussed at a briefing at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

Deputy Chairman of NCE Yuliya Yakupbaeva recalled that in February of this year by the instruction of the Head of State was created the Chamber of expert organizations (CEO) for a phased transfer of expertise services in the field of competition under the auspices of NCE. Now 62 companies are included in the professional association of accredited expert organizations, which employs 361 certified experts. "There is a website. All documents for the private expertise are taken through the portal "State Expertise", but the Chamber has already created its own portal. Today, negotiations are underway with "State Expertise" and Committee for Construction so that this portal is integrated with the system of "State Expertise", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

However, there are some problems that prevent the private expert organizations to fully carry out its functions. Initially, as it was stated in the instruction of the Head of State, it was suggested to transfer to non-state expert organizations 50% of the expert works in the field of construction, and by 2020 - 90%. Today, however, 35% of the expert services were transferred in a competitive environment.

The cause according to the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE is blurring of the concepts between "technical" and "technologically" complex objects in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. "In the process of the transfer of examination services of construction projects to the competitive environment, we had problems because of the blurred definitions of the concept 'technical' and “technological” complexity. Therefore, there are disputes with the "State Expertise", the Committee for Construction and the Ministry of National Economy, which is the authorized body. The fact is that today "State Expertise" takes not only construction projects, but also, for example, objects of capital repair. In the opinion of the professional community, such services can be transferred into private hands", - explained Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE.

In turn, chairman of the Chamber of expert organizations Birlik Erezhepov said that today the expert community in a competitive environment – is quite professional, and may well examine serious level projects.

Noting that the main task of the expertise – is a test of projects of buildings and structures for safety, Birlik Erezhepov lamented that "for example, there are many projects in the agro-industrial complex". "For example, a small sausage shop in the village - it is an ordinary building with equipment. We say that it is a simple object, so it is possible to transfer it to a competitive environment. But it refers to the technically and technologically complex objects. And there are many examples like that", - he said.

The Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of expert organizations named the most important task of the Chamber building of a clear organizational structure. "There were already held three meetings of the Disciplinary Council of the Chamber, which deals with the quality of expert opinions issued by the accredited expert organizations. Out of the 37 conclusions 22 for require extra work. In addition, in order to get acquainted with the activity of accredited expert organizations, the experts of the board of the Chamber travel to the places, they have already visited five regions. We also place great emphasis on vocational training experts. We have already started to organize seminars for them", - said Birlik Erezhepov.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE Yuliya Yakupbaeva also voiced concerns raised by independent experts. "The most important problem that is constantly voiced, is that, under the law, they have the right only to carry out this type of activity. And, considering the fact that the transfer of volume is going slowly, they raise the question that it is hard to make ends meet. Today we are working with the authorities on the issue, so that they allow additional activities, at least consulting. Second. Given the fact that the Chamber of expert organizations is a self-regulatory organization, we believe that it is possible to transfer gradually some extra quasi public function, which posses assessors of Chamber of appraisers, so that the Chamber of expert organizations can respond more quickly to incidents, if an expert abuses its powers and poorly examines the project. That is, they must have some half supervisory functions so that they can promptly inform the authorized body that revealed the facts of violations", - summarized Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

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