The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Problematic issues of regional business were discussed at the reporting meeting with the businessmen of West Kazakhstan region

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The agenda included topical issues that face regional businessmen, in particular, there are difficulties with obtaining land plots, property lease of state objects. Another urgent problem is the discrepancy between tariffs for passenger transportation and actual costs of carriers.

To solve the problems of unavailability of land plots it was proposed to conduct auctions on a periodic basis, while suggestion of entrepreneurs on obtaining a particular area should be considered in the formation of the list of lands submitted for auction.

In total there are 444 settlements in WKR (including two cities - Uralsk and Aksai), 246 of which have no general plans. The reason is the lack of budget means for this purpose. Moreover, in 188 settlements of the region, general plans were developed in 70-80 years of last century and do not meet the requirements of urban planning.

These circumstances are grounds for refusal in the provision of land. The change in the existing general plan, and PDD – it is the competence of local executive bodies (LEB). In practice, the provision of land or changes due to non-compliance of the PDD creates conditions for corruption, as LEB (Land Committee, architecture department), force businessmen to give them a reward for the possibility of changing the PDD or granting a land plot and in case of non-compliance of the PDD.

As for the issue of non-compliance of tariffs for passenger transportation with actual costs of carriers, it was proposed to allocate funds  to subsidize the costs of losses of carriers or to consider to the increase of tariff  to a level that ensures the necessary profitability of the businesses involved in the travel industry.

The Ombudsman for Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov stressed that the interaction of business and government is one of the most important factors of sustainable development of the country. Therefore, you need to enable entrepreneurs to do business, if you can’t help, do not bother. And fewer bureaucratic obstacles.

As informed the director of the Department of public monitoring and work with the administrative barriers NCE RK "Atameken" Erbol Ustemirov, NCE developed and proposed more than 1,100 amendments to existing legislation, 850 of which are approved. "With the participation of NCE was prepared a series of laws, which allowed to reduce significantly administrative barriers and to solve business problems. It is the law, which was adopted in December 2014 "On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts to radically improve conditions for doing business". The total economic effect for entrepreneurs from the adoption of this law is more than 14 billion tenge", - he said.

In addition, on 29th of March  this year, the head of state signed the law on the reduction of permits, which provides for the reduction and optimization of 153 permits.

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