The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Farmers are against "compulsion"

- Kostanay Region
13601 просмотров

Kostanai farmers do not agree with the new regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture on chemical processing of fields

They believe that enforcement mechanisms for combating pests do not save you from their spread, but also create conditions for corruption.

Erosion of wheat, septoria spot, as well as grain scoop and Hessian fly. For a long time, the fight against these plagues in the fields of Kostanai oblast was carried out by the territorial inspection of the Ministry of Agriculture and the owners of farmland. But, as it was reported by the told at a meeting at the Chamber by representatives of business inspections, from next year, the state won’t perform the function of elimination of pests. Businessmen will do it on their own, receiving subsidies for the purchase of pesticides.

At the same time, according to the new rules, the inspector will control the quality of the crop quality and, in the case of detection of diseases, will require its compulsory elimination. Otherwise, the entrepreneur will have to pay the fine from 5 to 500 MCI, depending on the form of ownership.

"In case of non-performance of requirements, RSE" Phytosanitary" will be forced to carry out chemical treatment, at the expense of budgetary funds under  repayment conditions. If the funds are not reimbursed, there will be held a court hearing", - said Deputy Head of the Kostanay regional territorial inspection Darkhan Abdikarimov.

Delayed treatment, according to the inspection, can lead to infection of the neighboring areas, and from this point of view, the method of coercion, according to them, is justified. However, farmers have an opposite opinion on this subject matter.

"The concept of spread of pests per square meter is relative. One expert says that there are 5 larvae, the other 10, it is the human factor. How can someone decide for an entrepreneur whether to carry out the treatment or not? Remember 90s, when the head of some farm didn’t like it, the pressure was put on him by the regulatory authorities. The same thing could happen again, and now ", - said a member of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kostanay region, director of LLP "Agrofirma "Karkyn" Sayran Bukanov.

Farmers have little optimism on the self-purchase of pesticides. There is no guarantee that in the context of universal subsidizing, their prices will remain at the same level. And the quality often leaves much to be desired. "Every year we buy fungicides for processing, and each time there is rust. A lot budgetary funds are used for this purpose, but it does not make a big difference. To ensure quality, to set a lower price, only then it be will good! "- lamented Sayran Bukanov.

A similar opinion was expressed by most participants. Therefore, after the meeting, the farmers have formulated their proposals. First of all, compulsory treatment fields should be excluded from the rules, and measures of responsibility. This inspection should not abdicate responsibility for elimination of pests from at least 30-40% of the total hectares of land. Entrepreneurs ask to subsidize 70% of the rate of expensive fungicides and to increase subsidies for spray equipment at the rate of half of its value. The Inspectorate promised to send the proposals to the Ministry of Agriculture.

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