The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Loans on the way

- Kostanay Region
10297 просмотров

The Chamber of entrepreneurs and the regional akimat signed constituent documents on establishment of LLP "microfinance organization “Atameken Kostanay”

It will start to work immediately after registration at the National Bank of the country. Thus, in late June - early July, residents of the region will get loans on favorable terms for the opening of the business.

The creation of the organization was preceded by the signing in March of this year a memorandum between NCE RK "Atameken", the Eurasian Group (ERG) and the regional akimat. The authorized capital of the MFO is 588 million tenge. Of these, 300 million tenge - is money allocated by Eurasian Group and another 288 million - the regional budget.

According to experts of the Chamber, the borrowers will be able to count on a loan of up to 15 million tenge, without interest and a commission of 4% of the issued amount.

The analysis held previously by NCE showed that currently microcredit organizations of Kazakhstan provide financial resources at the interest rate of up to 56%, which is often unsupportable for start-ups. The appearance of a large MFO will give an additional impetus to new business initiatives.

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