The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The Mangistau region has become final in the schedule of working trips to the regions of Kazakhstan for the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov

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At a meeting with the Business Ombudsman, which was held with participation of the Akimat and the Regional Prosecutor's Office, as well as Business and Trade Department, entrepreneurs of the Mangistau region spoke about their problems.

One of the crucial issues is land. Businessmen complained on the lack of access to land, according to them, the local authorities often refuse them to get a land plot and deny to change the purpose of a land plot.

There a lot of violations in this regard. The regulations of public services in land relations are not observed at all times, during the issuance of land plots public authorities often impose unreasonable demands. There are no projects of detailed planning of settlements and the possibility of amending the approved projects of detailed planning, which creates high administrative barriers for entrepreneurs. Often prolong the term of consideration of applications on obtaining, extension of the land use rights for a land plot. As a result, entrepreneurs bear enormous costs.

"Currently, the working groups operate with supervising public authorities, which includes experts of NCE. So, it is necessary to include entrepreneurs in all commissions, so they are always aware of everything. That is the lack of information - the main scourge of our problems", - said Bolat Palymbetov.

During the analyzed period, after having received the applications within the line of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs, 46 letters were sent to the state bodies, 8 projects of claims, cessation appeals and other applications and petitions were prepared in order to provide legal support. The experts of the Chamber participated in 15 trials while protecting the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs. With the assistance of the Chamber in favor of the business was recovered the debt in the amount to 142 307 491 tenge.

17 administrative barriers were revealed during the first half of the year. They are all included in the registry of problematic issues.

Entrepreneurs in the region also had the opportunity to pose questions to the Business Ombudsman, each of which is taken to control for further resolution.

Reference: On 29th of December 2014, the Law "On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan" was amended with the provisions on the legal status, functions, and duties of the appointment of a Business Ombudsman, as well as the organization of its activities. The Entrepreneurial Code entered into force on 1st of January 2016, Chapter 28 of which discloses in detail the legal status of a Business Ombudsman. On 19th of February 2016 by the Decree of the Head of State, Bolat Palymbetov Abylkasymovich was appointed the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

The Commissioner is appointed by the Head of State and is accountable only to the President. Nobody has the right to impose functions on the Ombudsman for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, which are not stipulated by the Entrepreneurial Code. No illegal interference is allowed in his activities.

The main functions of the Business Ombudsman include representation, support, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs and consideration of their appeals. Each appeal addressed to the Commissioner is placed on the control and worked through by the administrative staff of the Business Ombudsman. No appeal is left without its legal study and response.

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