The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Atameken": The Government should take a decision on the appointment of the national standardization body

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"Atameken": The Government should take a decision on the appointment of the national standardization body

NCE asks all entrepreneurs of the country not to stay on the sidelines and take an active part in the drafting of the Law "On Standardization"

The Department of technical regulation of NCE RK "Atameken" informs the business community about the current development of the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Standardization", which aims to establish requirements for products, processes of its life cycle and services, in order to increase their quality and competitiveness.

In general, the sphere of standardization is taken out of the law "On technical regulation" and will be put into a separate legal act.

NCE RK finds the law necessary and timely, and believes that this regulation will help to improve the quality and competitiveness of domestic products in the domestic and foreign markets.

Work on the development of the draft law began 2015, but the latest revision of the bill raises serious questions among business community, due to significant differences from the previously agreed draft.

In this connection, at the site of NCE was held an extended meeting to discuss the conceptual business comments on the bill, which was attended by more than 50 organizations and associations, representatives of the regional chambers of entrepreneurs.

The main subject of discussion was the innovation offered by the developer, which provides for the establishment of a national standartization body. State functions, which directly affect the business environment, such as planning, development of standards, their approval and acceptance, will be transferred to the national standardization body, which is determined on a competitive basis, at intervals of 5 years. At the same criteria and procedure for determining the national body were not prescribed.

This provision raises concern among businesses whether such a national body will be able to ensure a proper process of development and adoption of national standards, due to the fact that on the basis of the draft law provisions any legal entity, regardless of the form, selected on a competitive basis can become the standardization body.

The participants of the meeting agreed that the best solution is to authorize the the Government to define the national standardization body, at the same time it should be organized as a public institution, the law must be clearly define its rights, duties and responsibilities. The national standardization body should be organized in such a way as to ensure maximum transparency of its operations and effective interaction between the participants in the standardization system. At the same time one of the most important principles of its activities is its equidistance from all stakeholders.

In the course of discussion the participants also addressed the need to establish by the state the fundamental procedures and orders of the standardization work, including planning, development and adoption of standards. The meeting unanimously supported the need for a clear regulation of the procedures and principles of activities of technical committees on standardization.

In general, entrepreneurs agreed that the bill requires significant improvement, primarily on conceptual remarks voiced during the discussion and did not fully meet the needs of domestic business. It was suggested that the adoption of the law in the current edition can result in negative consequences, creating additional administrative barriers and obstacles for businesses.

Following the discussion, it was decided that the representatives of the business community will present proposals, which were expressed at the meeting, to the Department of technical regulation NCE RK "Atameken", after which the stance of entrepreneurs will be sent to the address of the developer.

At the same time representatives of the business community and NCE RK declare their readiness to further work on the bill in order to further improve the standardization system.

In this regard, the Department of Technical Regulation NCE RK asks all businessmen of the country not remain on the sidelines and take an active part in the development of the draft law "On Standardization".

The text of the bill can be found here.

Comments and suggestions on the bill can be sent to e-mail: and

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