The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The issuer is obliged to inform the authorized body and securities holders about changes in its activities

13043 просмотров

The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan informs on this norm of the Law "On the Securities Market"

An issuer, whose securities are included in the list of the stock exchange, in addition to the information specified by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, places information on the Internet site of DFS (depository of financial statements) and the Stock Exchange, the list of which includes the securities issued by the issuer, the annual and quarterly financial report, audit report and information, a list of which is determined by paragraph 2 of this article, in the order and terms established by the regulations of the authorized body.

The Issuer shall, within fifteen calendar days after the change, is obliged to present information about this to the authorized body and the representative of the bondholders (if available).

Changes contained in paragraph 2 of Article 102 of the Law on Securities Market, shall be communicated by the issuer to the holders of securities by posting information on the website of DFS and the publication of information in the media, within fifteen calendar days from the date of their occurrence in the order established by the regulatory legal act of the authorized body.

Thus, in accordance with the above provisions of the law, information on changes in the Issuer's operations, affecting the interests of holders of securities, the issuer shall inform the holders of the securities, the authorized body, by posting information on the website of DFS, the Stock Exchange (the issuer whose securities are securities included in the list of the stock exchange) and the publication of information in the media, within fifteen calendar days from the date of their occurrence in the manner prescribed by regulations of the authorized body, as well as to the representative of the bondholders (if any) in the manner and terms established by agreement on the representation of the interests of the bondholders, concluded between the issuer and the representative.

Contact for inquiries with the National Bank of Kazakhstan: 8 (727) 278 81 04 (ext.1085).

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