The national chamber of entrepreneurs


MFO opened in Zhambyl region

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This is the sixth region, where "Atameken" will implement micro-credit program

Currently, the microcredit program of NCE RK "Atameken" operates in five regions of the country: in Almaty and Aktobe regions through JSC "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture", in Kyzylorda region by LLP "MFO"RIC-Kyzylorda" in Kostanai and Mangistau regions.

In Zhambyl oblast with participation of the regional akimat and NCE RK "Atameken" is about to launch a MFO. In August, MFI was registered in the judiciary bodies, the organization is undergoing registration at the National Bank of RK. The work is currently underway on search of investors for the MFO. The process of accepting applications for funding has been started. 10 applications were already received, 5 of them are approved by the Credit Committee.

By the condition on 3rd of  October 454 applications were received for the micro-credit program of NCE in the amount of 2 496 million tenge this year, of which 299 applications were approved for a total amount of 1 353 million tenge. Of the approved applications 207 amounting to 934 million tenge were already funded. Thus, in general, from all sources (including local government offices, and money of the fund for support of agriculture) 445 applications were funded for a total of 1 980 million tenge.

In total the National Chamber issued 701 800 000 tenge for microcredits, including LLP "MFO" RIC-Kyzylorda "- 183.4 million KZT, Aktobe branch of the FFSA - 300 million tenge, Almaty branch of FFSA - 218.4 million tenge.

The formation of the authorized capital of MFIs in the Mangistau and Kostanay region were received funds in the amount of 15.3 million tenge for each. 288 million tenge and 150 million tenge respectively were allocated by Akimats of Mangistau and Kostanay regions on the formation of the authorized capital.

According to LLP "MFO" Atameken Kostanay" 71 projects were approved, of which 42 projects were financed. Out of 42 projects 8 are start-up business.

According to LLP "MFO" Atameken "(Mangistau region) approved 16 projects, out of which 8 projects were financed.

The main areas of funding were directed on: crop production - 33%, livestock - 28%, the provision of services to the population - 15%, and loans for fish farming, beekeeping, construction of roadside service, mini bakeries, culinary management, processing of meat and dairy products, oilseeds.

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