The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Domestic production was demonstrated to Timur Kulibayev

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The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev visited the contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" and "Uly Dala Eli"

The head of NCE visited the exhibition and the stands, which present the achievements in the field of mechanical engineering, light industry, high-tech products, the production of agricultural products, equipment for medicine and pharmaceuticals, hydraulic tools, etc.

Manufacturers with undisguised pride showed the head of the National Chamber the finished products of their companies, paid attention to pressing problems. The most acute is the high level of collateral for loans.

Timur Kulibayev, in turn, said that "a key advantage of the implemented microcredit approaches” of NCE is flexibility for collaterals, the provision of a guarantee, escort of business projects, training of entrepreneurs prior to their implementation, the possibility of co-operation and direct marketing".

In a conversation with entrepreneurs the head of NCE "Atameken" added that taking into account the accumulated experience of the National Chamber through its microcredit system, it is ready to appropriate 10 billion tenge in 2017, which has been sent by the Head of State.

Despite the difficult economic realities, many entrepreneurs are planning to expand their business, to develop new products in demand, to conquer the markets of the EAEU.

It should be noted that the Kazakh products of good quality are not inferior to foreign analogues and are quite competitive in both domestic and foreign markets.

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