The national chamber of entrepreneurs


An employee, watch your feet!

- Kostanay Region
8836 просмотров

A project aimed at reducing injuries at workplace - "Decent Labor - Safe Labor" is implemented in the region

It was initiated by the regional prosecutor's office together with the Akimat and concerned bodies.

One of the co-authors of the project is the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the region. Expert of the organization Sunkar Sultanov told how company executives should act, if an accident has occurred at the workplace.

- Sunkar Beketovich what should be done in the first place, in case of emergency?

- First - this is urgent, but without panic, to provide medical assistance to the employee, to eliminate a life threat. Deliver the victim to the hospital or call an ambulance. Depending on the situation, the degree of injury ...

- Если все же говорить о юридических формальностях? If we talk about the legal formalities?

- During the day, the employer must report the accident to the local authority on labor inspection in a specially prescribed form. If this happens at hazardous production facilities, for example, burst of the balloon, there was a fire - inform the emergency, if it is poisoning - notify SES authorities.

- Who investigates the tragedy, its causes?

- If the case is severe, group or fatal, the entrepreneur must be prepared for a special investigation. It will be conducted by a commission, chaired by state labor inspectors. If a case is mild or moderate, the company’s own commission headed by the head.

- How long can last an investigation?

- Not more than ten days. During this time, should be formally identified and documented causes of the accident, the degree of fault of the employee and the employer. The act also specifies the responsible persons who have committed an accident. If it is a special investigation, the materials are transferred to the bodies of internal affairs, and they decide who and how to prosecute. If it is mild or moderate, the head of the enterprise directs the act of labor inspection, and the fault of the parties is determined by the internal committee.

- Should an entrepreneur compensate the employee’s treatment  with whom an accident has occurred?

- If it is associated with the production, the worker is paid a sick leave at the rate of 100% of salary. If not, then the payment is made in the usual way, i.e. not more than 15 MCI per month.

- How is it defined, what tragedy is associated with the production and what not?

- This is decided by the Commission, based on the Labor Code. For example, an employee performs work that is not part of his responsibilities and is not related to the employer's interest. For example, a security guard of the enterprise is in the woodworking shop to produce the item for the home. He get an injury at the machinery. It is not connected with production. An employee's heart stopped or suffered a stroke, it is not connected. If the cause of the accident alcoholic intoxication, the same. There are a lot of examples, when the injury depends on the employee's duties. Basically, they are due to non-compliance with safety regulations.

- Does prevention help to avoid accidents?

- Of course. Instruction on safety – is a direct duty of the employer, so enough attention should be paid to this question. Remember how in the old days, the walls were decorated with posters of productions "Caution 220V," "Watch your feet", "be careful on the roof" and so on. Many companies address to the Chamber of entrepreneurs for advice on the regulatory issues in this industry. But, unfortunately, they often come when the emergency has already happened.

For reference: according to the Prosecutor's Office of Kostanay region, from 2012, every year from 120 to 230 accidents occur in the region, in which from 140 to 240 employees were injured. More than 80 people were killed. As a result of the project "Decent Labor - Safe Labor" increased the number of employees trained in the training centers from 70 to 3842, 3 times more PPE were bought, 1067 businesses were certified. By the condition on 20th of November, the number of accidents decreased by 15%, i.e. from 115 to 98. The initiators say it is a direct result of the project.


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