The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Shooting or a business of unlimited possibilities

- Kostanay Region
8882 просмотров

Pavel Sydorchuk as in the famous song, makes the world swirl around him. He is in a wheelchair, but he stands on his "feet" stronger than some other people. All because he has learned to set high goals and to achieve them. In his personal life, in sport, and more recently - in business.

Pavel Alekseivich is widely known in Lisakovsk. The head of the local association of people with disabilities earned a reputation of a caring person for those, whom life has limited in scope. He was one of the first to prove the incorrectness of the offensive wording. He mastered Paralympic sport, became the champion of Asia in the shot put and won the title of world-class master. Pavel has more than two dozen prize-winning medals, experience in the most prestigious tournaments in the different countries of the world.

To some extent this sport has made him to start a business. At competitions in Korea, walking through Incheon, he drew attention to an unusual attraction - an interactive shooting gallery.

"We do not have in anywhere. I thought, it is a cool idea! Cause you not just shoot at static targets, but on the screen. You can play as a whole team, as on a computer to hunt for the bandits. Only in the hands you will have full-fledged assault rifles and pistols. Boys are so happy. So I decided that it is necessary to bring such shooting range to Lisakovsk", - says Paul Sydorchuk.

Thus, I did it. I bought the equipment worth 2.5 million USD for the money within the grant acquired under the state program. The branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs assisted him in the process. The experts of the Chamber did all paperwork, without them he would not cope. It was more difficult with the premises. He refused the idea to rent a room in the city center at once, it was too expensive: 40 thousand tenge per month at a fairly modest profit. One of the local untility servicing companies provided us an empty cellar in the central high-rise building. Once it housed a sports section.

"I delivered the shooting equipment and children started to come. We are even better than in Korea: you can shoot not only with a laser, but also with plastic bullets. They crowd of boys come all the time. Five minutes of the game cost  200 tenge. For comparison, in Almaty - 1000 ... We hired three more people with disabilities. Some watch the rooms, some serve customers. Earnings are very modest, but still better than sitting idle. Over time, interest has slightly diminished. Then I borrowed money from a friend, bought a Play Station. The boys began to come again. Some play PS, the other fire. Profit is very modest, but the money for me – is a secondary phenomenon", - says Pavel.

Judging by the enthusiasm in his voice, the man is totally ingenuous. Even the first serious income from new business Sydorchuk spent on the installation of plastic windows for the disabled community so that they do not feel cold in the winter. He constantly spends money for the prizes. They also buy them from people with special needs: crafts, souvenirs, jewelry. It is a trifle, but a pleasant one for everyone. Of course, I could earn more, but for some reason he arranges for children free competitions, invites students on holidays to provide them with entertainment.

"My friends say, you are a businessman now, a big man. "I laugh, of course ... It is unusual somehow be a businessman. I am glad that the project is successful, and I'm going to move forward. Now often families come to us. I think about arranging a playroom for the kids, so that everyone has fun. For me, the best income – is gratitude of people, those with whom I work. The joy in the eyes of children. I like such business", - sums up Pavel Sydorchuk.


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