The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Prime instructed to identify laws that prevent competition

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The measures on how to implement the President's Address were considered at the meeting of the Government
"In order to prevent price and tariff collusion, I instruct the Ministry of National Economy together with the Ministry of Justice and NCE RK "Atameken" to audit legislation and to identify rules that suppress competition", - said the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev at the session of the Government.

He also noted that Kazakhstan can take its place on the world food markets, producing organically grown foods. "The brand “Made in Kazakhstan” has to be associated with environmentally friendly products. We have already developed approaches to the new principle of distribution of subsidies and the creation of cooperatives, using the potential of private farms, as well as increased productivity. This whole set of tasks has to be implemented in the framework of a comprehensive program for the development of agriculture", - said the Prime Minister.

Sagintayev stressed that the Head of State set the task of further development of the construction sector as a full driver of the economy. "There is a base for this. From this year we launched a housing program "Nurly Zher", all the principles and mechanisms for its implementation are determined. Now we need the ministries and Akimats do the practical work", - he said.

"The second priority in his address the Head of State defined the fundamental improvement and expansion of the business environment. One of the important strategic objectives is to ensure that by 2050, SME contribution to GDP is not less than 50%. The program of productive employment and the development of mass entrepreneurship was adopted to achieve it. All the mechanisms of it were defined and financially secured. The effectiveness of the program depends largely on the effectiveness of Akims", -  said Sagintayev.

The Prime Minister recalled that the President instructed to complete the privatization of enterprises from the list before the end of 2018. "In this regard, it is necessary to revise the terms of the privatization until the end of February of the current year for each facility".
Regarding the development of the institute of public-private partnership, Prime Minister instructed the relevant ministries to revise approaches to the issue and to ensure the active use of PPP.

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