The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The government, trade unions and business signed general agreement

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The document defines the social and labour relations regulation as it is reported on the website.

During the meeting, issues of the state's social and labour policy and the creation of decent working conditions for the citizens of the country were discussed under the chairmanship of vice premier Bahytzhan Sagynntaev, according to the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev in the message "New Opportunities Under the Fourth Industrial Revolution."

Within the framework of the meeting, the General Agreement was signed between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the republican associations of workers and the republican associations of employers for 2018-2020, which determines the coordinated positions of the parties in the main areas of regulation of social and labour relations. The Action Plan (Roadmap) on the implementation of the commitments undertaken within the framework of the General Agreement was considered and approved.

The document was signed by the parties of the Republican Tripartite Commission on Social Partnership and Regulation of Social and Labour Relations: from the Government – Deputy Prime Minister E. Dossaev, from the workers association – the chairman of the Trade Unions Federation, B. Abdrayym and secretary general of the Kazakhstan Labour Confederation, M. Mashkenov, from the Employer Unions – the chairman of the Board of Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, A. Myrzahmetov, the chairman of the Board of the Confederation of Employers, K. Baikenov, executive director of the Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises, president of the Union of Producers and Exporters of Kazakhstan, N.Radostovets.

The General Agreement for 2018-2020 deals with issues of technological modernization of the economy, cardinal improvement of the business environment, facilitation of formal and productive employment of the population, improvement of the quality of human capital, conditions and labor protection, and industrial and environmental safety.

For the record: In accordance with Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the General Agreement is concluded at the republican level between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, republican associations of employers and republican associations of trade unions.

The General Agreement is concluded every 3 years. In 2017, the General Agreement for 2015-2017 has expired.

As a result of the implementation of the measures stipulated by the General Agreement for 2015-2017, the indicators in the sphere of social and labour relations have been generally improved.

Industrial injuries in the country's enterprises decreased by 1.4% in the last 3 years. Coverage of collective-contractual relations in medium and large enterprises of the country increased by 3.1%.

More than 1400 enterprises of the country have implemented labour safety and health standards recommended by the International Labour Organization (OHSAS 18001, ILO-OSH).

Over 12 thousand production councils have been created, which include representatives of employers and workers on a parity basis.


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