The national chamber of entrepreneurs


When there is money ...

- Kyzylorda Region
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"Micro-business Kyzylorda": financed 53 projects worth 339 million tenge

This information was shared by the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Galymbek Zhaksylykov at the business forum of the Association for Support of Entrepreneurs "Syr Boyi".

According to him, a unique joint project of NCE RK  "Atameken" and Akimat of the region "Micro-business Kyzylorda" for support of small businesses is very popular and in high demand in Kyzylorda.

"This program provides loans to rural entrepreneurs on favorable terms. 660 million tenge were allocated funds for these purposes: NCE - 300 million tenge, akimat of the region - 360 million tenge.

Currently, 77 projects were approved through within the program "Micro-business Kyzylorda", 53 projects were funded worth 339 million tenge", - said Galymbek Zhaksylykov.

According to him, "Atameken" is actively working on the development of a competitive business environment in the region and attracting investments. NCE accredited 123 national and industry associations (unions), the composition of which includes more than 8000 members. Among them two associations of Kyzylorda - "Syr Boyi" and "The development of local content."

The director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs also noted the big state support to the development of the business.

"Over the past 3 years the branches of the Chamber in the districts provided support to more than 29 thousand consultation to 14 thousand business entities. As a result of which, 164 projects were financed in the amount of more than billion tenge. It is noteworthy that all the services are rendered free of charge to entrepreneurs, "- said G. Zhaksylykov.

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