The national chamber of entrepreneurs


To attract but not only capital

- Kostanay Region
10794 просмотров

Kostanai car industry is ready to attract "intelligence investment" from abroad to reach new quality indicators

This is one of the initiatives that businessmen voiced to the head of the OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Program Antonio Somme, who visited the region with a working visit.

The meeting took place within the walls of the Chamber of entrepreneurs and by the recognition of guests, had "diagnostic" character: the purpose of the foreign mission – is to determine the economic potential of the region in different industries, to identify the problems hindering the flow of investment, and to convey their vision of their resolution to the country's Government.

First of all, the director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Murat Abenov presented to the delegation an interactive "Map of regional development". The product is specifically designed by NCE so that any foreign investor could assess online the potential of each region of Kazakhstan.

"Map involves specialization by industry. In our region it is the development of agriculture, use of mineral resources, automotive. It contains detailed information on the population, climatic conditions, plus all the economic indicators of the sector. The map included about 14 thousand enterprises. In addition, we have identified seven investment projects ready for implementation in the near future ", - said Murat Abenov.

Separately, Antonio Somme got acquainted with the prospects of the automotive industry. Deputy Director of LLP "SaryarkaAvtoProm" Natalia Lee talked about car assembly technology, models that are produced at the enterprise. She shared the prospects for further localization of production. When asked about the barriers in terms of the legislation, she said that significant gaps have already been eliminated, or at the stage of elimination, but in terms of attraction of investments, she highlighted that they need them and not necessarily financial ones.

"Our company works in the market a long time, and today we are interested more in intelligent investment, so that we can train and improve the skills of our staff and they can systematically take over the foreign experience. I think this will work out a lot of questions, including the environmental compliance of production to European standards. Generally speaking, we have plans of maximum coverage of production - from creation of spare parts to creation of unified models for the market of Kazakhstan, therefore, we consider the issue of cooperation with foreign enterprises", - said Natalia Lee.

The program, which is headed by Antonio Somme, is aimed at improving the competitiveness of the economy in the countries of Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. It uses the OECD instruments to determine the best approaches to improve the competitiveness of countries, sectors and regions to achieve sustainable growth. Last year, with the mission, the delegation visited Kyzylorda, East Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions. Following the visits, they prepared reports, which are now under consideration by the Government.

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